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almayer’s folly
奥尔迈耶的愚蠢  detail>>
 n.  1.愚笨,愚蠢。 2.愚行,傻念头。 3.〔古语〕罪恶,放荡。 4.花费巨大而无益的事,华而不实的大建筑〔常冠以设计者名字,例 A...  detail>>
a piece of folly
一桩蠢事  detail>>
collective folly
集体愚行  detail>>
folly - sagacious
笨的  detail>>
folly beach
福利比奇  detail>>
in praise of folly
愚人颂  detail>>
sagacity - folly
智能  detail>>
seward's folly
1.阿拉斯加的别称。 2.暂时看来愚蠢、日后显示出极为合算的行为〔源出西沃德用巨款从俄国购买阿拉斯加之举〕。   detail>>
the height of folly
愚蠢极了, 荒谬绝伦  detail>>
week of folly
荒唐之周  detail>>
yoann folly
尤安佛里  detail>>
anger rests in the bosom of folly
发火是短暂的疯狂 生气最终是气坏自己  detail>>
be the height of folly pole
愚蠢之极  detail>>
cynicism folly and camouflage
玩世、傻气、隐匿  detail>>
in love folly is always sweet
爱情的话语全在双眼之中 干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙  detail>>
leave your folly
你们要放弃愚蠢  detail>>
some amuse themselves in folly
有些人以干荒唐事取乐  detail>>